Saturday 17 July 2010

Life Recovery Program

Institute of Mental Health 3, Nov 06Image via Wikipedia

Life Recovery Program

Hey there I`m Marc Galloway and I`m here talking to you because i have been were you are,i was at breaking point,i was overwhelmed with everything in life and struggling to keep things together,everything i knew and had was slipping away from me my mind was racing,some days i couldn't`t get out of bed,i didn`t understand what was going on with my life things were changing,i was changing(was i going mad)I left it for a few days, only for things to get worse,on January 4th 2010 i awoke to find myself having some sort of an attack i had pains all over it took me about an hour to stop shaking,i thought that was it life was slipping away from me and there was nothing i could do about it...

That morning i went to my GP he made an appointment for me to see mental health that same week on the 8th January..They found out i was suffering from manic depression and anxiety and my alcohol problem wasn`t helping the situation.I`m only 33 this couldn't`t be happening to me could it?They arranged for a few more appointment's later in the year,the doc gave me some tablets..

It was at this time that i sat down and had a good long think about were i was going in life and more to the point how i was going to get there,i had decided to look for help myself ,i couldn't`t bear the thought of being on tablets the rest of me life,I shook myself up and decided to stop the drink there and then it was hard but it was a case of quiting the alcohol before the alcohol made me stop..(for good)

The next day i went to the library and when on the Internet and started to browse through the heath results and came across this fantastic website that changed my life,well it saved my life i guaranty if i hadn`t had found this website and the incredible help that Paul Radkowski has given me then i would`t have been here writing this for you know,it seriously changes lives....

This great man also helps with anything,any kind of an addiction,even if you think you haven`t got an addiction have a look at the Life Recovery Program today, to change your life for the better tomorrow......Here are just a few things that Paul Radkowski can help you with and change your life..You are not alone!

    * Overwhelming chronic stress
    * Alcohol or Drugs
    * Weight loss-over eating or under eating
    * Smoking
    * Anger
    * Gambling or Depression
    * Self Harm
    * Anxiety or Depression
    * And Many,many more,the list goes on....

I really hope you take note and take the first steps in changing your life today,i must just add that i haven`t touched a drink since the day i found Paul i Haven`t even been back to the docs for meds,i feel great and not all that long ago i thought i was near death or worse,going crazy!!So don't wait or hold back life is for living and remember you are not on your own Paul Radkowski is truly a great man!!!

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